If you are in the position of having to submit tax returns, you will be very pleased to see the new release of Prophet from Elesar.
The UK government has been trying to encourage all its interactions to move online, and the latest addition is the requirement for Companies to submit their tax returns online. You can use a maintained and support RISC OS application to handle all your bills and make the submissions directly from your trusty RISC OS system. You can also calculate the numbers manually and then use Prophet just for the submission process.
This is the big feature in the new Prophet release (and definitely worth the version number update).
There are lots of upcoming changes to the tax system (like quarterly tax submissions), so it is very important and welcome that Elesar continues to update Prophet. The more things I can do on my RISC OS machine the better.
It is part of an increasing (and very welcome) trend in RISC OS applications to interact online with websites and resources.
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