With the help of the AAUG affiliated clubs in and around London APDL has arranged for David Atkins of MicroDigital to give a presentation and demonstrate the Omega.This will take place on September 11th at 7.30 for an 8 o'clock start at the venue normally used by the M25 East RISC OS User Group. This is Harold Court School, Church Road, Harold Wood, RM3 0SH.
The venue is very easy to get to. It's about 3 minutes from junction 28 (junction with the A12) on the M25 and very close to Harold Wood station. There is plenty of car parking space. For detailed instructions see the M25EROUG web site at <http://www.m25eroug.riscos.org.uk/>.
Everyone will be welcome, so please do tell your friends. Remember that this will almost certainly be your first and last chance to see an Omega in the South before production starts, and it could also be your only chance this year.
If you do intend to come it would be helpful if you could email me at omega@apdl.co.uk so that we can have some idea of the number of people to expect.