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The Icon Bar: News and features: WROCC August 2024 meeting on wednesday - Paul Reuvers

WROCC August 2024 meeting on wednesday - Paul Reuvers

Posted by Mark Stephens on 06:52, 5/8/2024 |

The August 2024 WROCC meeting features Paul Reuvers from X-Ample Technology (XAT). As usual it takes place on Zoom (Wakefield is global) and kicks off at 7.45pm

XAT has been in the RISC OS market for many years, working with Acorn, Computer Concepts, Castle and developing their own software. Paul does not speak often, so I am really looking forward to hearing his talk.

WROCC website

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The Icon Bar: News and features: WROCC August 2024 meeting on wednesday - Paul Reuvers