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The Icon Bar: Site Comments: Polls
  (15:26 27/9/2001)
  johnstlr (09:41 28/9/2001)
    rich (09:58 28/9/2001)
      Phlamethrower (15:51 28/9/2001)
        geoff_youngs (18:00 28/9/2001)
          Phlamethrower (17:47 29/9/2001)
        rich (10:25 1/10/2001)
Phlamethrower Message #5505, posted at 15:26, 27/9/2001
Unregistered user Here's a quick one:

As a gauge of how popular TIB is, how about putting the number of votes received up with the poll?

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johnstlr Message #5506, posted at 09:41, 28/9/2001, in reply to message #5505
Unregistered user Surely this would only tell you how popular a particular poll is. I don't always vote because I don't always have an answer. Take the current poll. I would probably buy both Tek and ID if they appeared but I've pretty confident ID won't appear on RISC OS.

Ok so I can vote for Tek only but this does kind of miss the point a bit.

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rich Message #5507, posted at 09:58, 28/9/2001, in reply to message #5506
Unregistered user Part of the point of the current poll is to gauge if bringing out ID would be a good idea or not (albeit in an unofficial, not-related-to-Artex way). So assume they both will be brought out and vote accordingly!
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Phlamethrower Message #5508, posted at 15:51, 28/9/2001, in reply to message #5507
Unregistered user Actually the reason I'm asking for this is that I'm interested in how many people are promising to buy TEK/ID, rather than just the percentages. I'm sure Artex would be interested in the numbers as well.
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geoff_youngs Message #5509, posted at 18:00, 28/9/2001, in reply to message #5508
Unregistered user
Actually the reason I'm asking for this is that I'm interested in how many people are promising to buy TEK/ID, rather than just the percentages. I'm sure Artex would be interested in the numbers as well.

At a extremely crude lower edge estimate, I would suggest a minimum of 99 (at latest count).

   10 : a%=0
30 : a%+=1
40 : UNTIL FNcheck(10) AND FNcheck(20) AND FNcheck(11) AND FNcheck(66)
50 : PRINTa%
60 : END
70 : DEF FNcheck(v%)
80 : LOCALb%,c%
90 : b%=v%*a%/100
100 : c%=b%/a%*100
110 : =(c%=b%)

Which is probably a highly innacurate and flawed approach, making far too many assumptions about the similarities of rounding routines in BBC BASIC runnning on a RiscPC and PHP on Linux, has the disadvantage that it can only try to estimate the minimum number of voters, doesn't work if more than 100 people have voted, etc, etc, etc.
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Phlamethrower Message #5510, posted at 17:47, 29/9/2001, in reply to message #5509
Unregistered user Um, are all those FNcheck's meant to add up to 100? 10+20+11+66=107...

Anyway, I doubt that method would catch on.

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rich Message #5511, posted at 10:25, 1/10/2001, in reply to message #5508
Unregistered user
Actually the reason I'm asking for this is that I'm interested in how many people are promising to buy TEK/ID, rather than just the percentages. I'm sure Artex would be interested in the numbers as well.
Just to state that voting isn't really a promise, before someone starts wondering if we're logging voter details and giving them to Artex to chase up orders! But we will give Artex access to raw numbers if they want them, because hey, we're nice like that.

The problem is that the poll system was designed to be just a gauge of public opinion, and I've never been keen on putting the raw numbers out there. I fear that it would be more about the numbers, not about the result, as I learned when working at ArgoNet.

<snip long, rambling story about a problem with people demanding access to ArgoNet logs they weren't entitled to>

So basically it'd be a fairly simple job just to print the raw numbers next to the poll graph, but I've never been keen. I'm open to persuasion though.

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The Icon Bar: Site Comments: Polls